- projectsassociation.org.uk
- Islamic Creed
- Prayer
- Fasting
- 'Iftar and Sahur during Ramadan
- The integrals of fasting
- The Obligation of Fasting Ramadan
- A comprehensive guide to understanding and observing fasting during Ramadan
- Fasting six days of Shawwal is akin to fasting the entire year
- Welcoming Ramadan
- Refuting Calculations for Ramadan’s Start and End
- Determining the Beginning of Ramadan
- How a person should spend their day during Ramadan
- Hajj & ^Umrah
- Sins & Prohibitions
- Nothing deserves imprisonment more than the tongue!
- Undutifulness towards one's parents
- Arrogance, enmity, and envy are all sins of the heart
- Amongst the diseases of the heart is insincerity
- Bullying uncovered: causes and lasting impact
- Gossip (Ghibah) and Tale-Bearing (Namimah)
- Do you want to have the size of small ant!
- Archive
- Prophet Muhammad
- Other prophets
- Companions
- Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, the best Companion
- If my brother had been killed at Al-Yamamah as your brother was, I would never have wept for him!
- "Recognizing one's inability to comprehend the reality of Allah is a realization of the essence of faith."
- Sa^id ibnu Zayd : his life and legacy echoing through time
- Weigh your deeds before they are weighed!
- 'Abu Dharr Al-Ghifariyy and traits of goodness
- Master ^Aliyy the son of 'Abu Talib, lead as caliph for nearly five years
- Abu ^Ubaydah: a legacy of faith and leadership
- "No one who has ever participated in the killing of Al-Husayn has escaped meeting a dire fate."
- Jurisconsults
- Ash-Shafi^iyy asserted that Allah exists without being confined to a place or direction
- Ash-Shafi^iyy acquired astounding knowledge from a young age
- Wealth did not detract from his asceticism
- The majestic dome crowning the tomb of Imam Ash-Shafi^iyy
- 'I will traverse the lands far and wide in pursuit of knowledge'
- While he was once presented with forty-eight questions he answered only six of them
- From humble beginnings to spiritual eminence
- Imam Malik's creed mirrored that of the Prophet Muhammad and his esteemed companions
- Imam Malik the renowned scholar
- Scholars
- 'Abu Mansur Al-Maturidiyy was one of the first two imams to popularise the belief of 'Ahlu s-sunnah
- "The garment of virtues was tailored for the stature of Abu l -Ma^aliyy"
- 'Abu l-Hasan Al-'Ash^ariyy undertook the task of elucidating the true Muslim belief in detail
- Ibnu Hajar Al-^Asqalaniyy's to praise the Prophet in his poems' anthology
- Had it not been for him, the plains of Ceuta would not have thrived!
- Ahmad Ar-Rifa^iyy demonstrated exemplary diligence in learning and acquiring Islamic sciences
- Malikite scholars have consistently adhered to the belief of tanzih
- "Allah created the throne to show his Power and did not take it as a place for Himself"
- Imam Ar-Rifa^iyy combats the assimilation of Allah with His creatures
- "Mu^awiyah Ibnu Abi Sufyan embraced Islam only on the day of the conquest of Mecca" Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadiyy said
- What Abu Bakr Al-Baqillaniyy hid far surpassed what he publicly let appear!
- Al-Khatib Abu Bakr noted:"Do not envy those who wed this world for its adornments bright"!
- Ahmad Al-Kabir to kiss the honoured hand of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
- Al-Bayhaqiyy defended and upheld 'Ahlu s-sunnah's creed through extensive works and teachings
- 'They unanimously agreed on the prohibition of likening, imagining, and embodying' Qadi ^Iyad said
- Pious Women
- Archive
- Al-Hijrah
- The tent of ‘Ummu Ma^bad by the roadside
- Dhatu n-Nitaqayn used her girdle to tie the mouth of the wallet
- ‘Abu Jahl proposed to strike simultaneously with a single blow
- "From the valley of Wada^ the full moon has risen...
- "Do not hasten; perhaps Allah will grant you a companion" the Prophet ﷺ said
- The Migration to Medina - Hijrah
- ‘Ummu Ma^bad to describe the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
- Al-'Isra'u wa l-Mi^raj
- ^Arafah
- ^Ashura'
- Al-Mawlidu n-Nabawiyy
- "Whoever rejoices in us, we rejoice in him", he responded
- 'They compared you to a date palm growing in a barren piece of land', he said
- Abrahah tried to destroy the Ka^bah
- She noticed a radiant glow, resembling the star on a horse's forehead
- Shaykh Salim ^Alwan: The Radiant Birth of the Prophet
- Jibril laid him down, then cut open his chest to remove his heart
- Is Celebrating the Noble Prophet's Mawlid Permissible?
- Shaykh Samir al-Qadi conveys narrations of the noble Birth
- Whenever they met in battle, the Jews used to be defeated
- The legitimacy of celebrating the prophet’s ﷺ birth
- We have greater right to show gratitude to Allah for the favour He bestowed upon Musa
- A Snapshot From Birth to Death – Prophet Muhammad
- Battles & Conquests
- '... Nor do I need the reward any less than you!'
- The Confederates to camp at the confluence of the two channels
- "Rejoice, for Allah has granted us the reins of their kingdom", he said
- The Quraysh recalled their conflict with the Banu Bakr
- Georges turned his shield and joined the ranks of the Muslims
- "We will fight at your right, at your left, before you, and behind you!"
- Not merely a military defeat for Quraysh, but also a significant moral blow
- The Muslims dug a trench as a defensive measure against the cavalry
- "Verily, Constantinople will be conquered!"
- Allah drove back the disbelievers in their rage, leaving them thwarted and without success
- The Prophet moved the army to the nearest water source of the enemy
- How wretched kin you have been to your Prophet!
- A force of three hundred with two horses and seventy camels
- "Your example, O ‘Abu Bakr, is like that of ‘Ibrahim"
- 'Abu ‘Ayyub Al-‘Ansariyy to lead the she-camel to his house
- Serpentine Heads and Sword-Like Faces
- This slumber occurred on the night before the battle
- Stories
- "I am content with you just as you are", she responded
- The novice believes books offer knowledge without a guide!
- When he returned and reached the door, he found it slightly ajar
- What occurred to the people of the Sabbath?
- ^Uthman and the well of Rumah
- "I saw the inhabitants of the graves rising, with all of the creation assembled", he said
- Refutations
- Ibnu Taymiyyah’s saying of the sitting of Allah
- Ibnu Taymiyyah’s prohibiting the tawassul by the 'Anbiya’ and 'Awliya’ and the tabarruk by them and their traces
- The extremist fanatics are doomed, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said
- Ibnu Taymiyyah transgressed the consensus of the Muslims on the issue of divorce
- The Prophet ﷺ did not exclude any specific day for visiting graves
- Reciting Qur'an for the dead and talqin
- The Mu^tazilah’s blasphemous claim that "humans create their actions"
- Ibnu Taymiyyah claims that the creation has no beginning
- Raising the hands towards the sky in du^a’ does not imply that Allah resides in that direction
- Ibnu Taymiyyah’s deviations from Muslim beliefs
- Ibnu Taymiyyah’s blasphemous assertion of hadd to Allah
- 'Abu Lahab’s torture will NOT be lessened in hellfire
- Refuting the contraventions of Hizb At-Tahrir
- Fatwas
- Speaking during the Friday sermon
- Wearing hides of dead animals in prayer
- Reciting the Qur'an from a Mushaf in prayer
- What is the ruling if a person prostrates while their forehead is covered by a cap or a turban?
- How to prioritize between current and missed prayers?
- Exposing the animal to an Electric Shock or Controlled Atmospheric Stunning prior to slaughtering
- What is the ruling on wiping over socks during wuduʾ?
- Can a Muslim female be treated by a male clinician?
- About burying the Qur'an with the dead
- What is the ruling on kissing the Mushaf?
- Whoever practices medicine without medical knowledge is liable!
- Human & Health
- Society & Family
- The Prophet praised the Arabic Language
- The merit of the science of Genealogy, its benefit and the utter need for it
- Choosing the right friend for a meaningful companionship
- Whoever goes to sleep with meat grease or fat on his hand...
- How can we teach our children to fast during Ramadan?
- Protect your offspring as the shepherd protects his flock
- When children cause immense heartache to their parents
- Treat women with kindness and compassion
- Among the various games that are prohibited in Islamic Law
- When night falls, keep your children indoors, for it is at this time that the devils disperse
- The duty of raising your children as Muslim
- Islamic Rituals
- It turned black when touched by the idolaters
- When the Prophet ﷺ intended to sleep while in a state of janabah
- The Black Stone will be raised before the Day of Judgement
- A soothing breeze shall flow until the Day of Resurrection
- To what does the Shadharwan refer?
- No one supplicates for anything at al-Multazam except that it is answered
- Pray in the righteous' place of worship
- Visiting the grave of the Prophet Muhammad
- The Prophetic etiquettes for one blessed with a newborn
- Shall I not teach you something better than owning a servant?
- "... and no devil will come near you until morning!"
- The locations where the Messenger of Allah ﷺ prayed in Makkah
- How to perform a valid ''Udhiyah (Qurban Sacrifice)
- Zamzam well's location was lost for centuries!
- Islamic Places
- Qur'an Tafsir
- Hadith Explanation
- Islam is based on five matters
- The Angel would be ordered to write down four matters
- Islam is to testify that no one is God except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
- Whoever introduces anything contrary to our Religion is rejected
- Avoiding such doubtful matters safeguards one's religiosity
- Each person will have only what they intended
- "Paradise is closer to any of you than the strap of his sandal, and so is Hell"
- Archive